Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Break or The Move

This week we have been moving into the house.  I have not had time to go into the studio, so I will share some shots of my house.  This week has been crazy busy.  I was hoping I would at least have one day over spring break that I could relax, but that has not and will not happen.  We have been working so hard to get moved in, but it seems to be never ending.  No matter how much we get done, there is still so much to do.

Here is a shot of the foyer stacked with boxes and the front door.  As of now, this space is filled with empty boxes.

Here is a shot of Philip's room.  My ugly couch looks so much nicer in this room than in our apartment!
 Here is the front room (which will be called the Christmas room once I get my green leather couch in there) so far.  You can see the red wall I painted.  I am going to hang my light bulb plaque over the fire place.
 Here are Philip and Ambrose hanging out in the living room.  I love our new red couch.  The door on the right is the kitchen and the door on the left is the sun room.
 Here is our new refrigerator.  I do like it even though it made me slightly sick to my stomach to spend all that money.  The drawers are clear.  Now I won't forget about the food that is in there. 
 Next are two shots of the sun room.  Ambrose doesn't seem to care that I put up his kitty tree, but he does like to look out the windows and lay in the sunlight.

 Here is the bedroom.  I still have not bought box springs or a frame for my new mattress.  I guess we can do without that for a little while.

 Here is part of the downstairs bathroom.  I am pretty excited about the new shower curtain.
 Here are some shots of the upstairs.  This room is going to be the guest room.
 This is going to be my studio.  I am pretty excited about the possibility of doing some work at home.  I was hoping to get it all set up over spring break.  I'm not sure if I will have time to get it finished though.

I still haven't gotten any art up on the walls.  I'm not quite sure where I want what, but I do have quite a bit of my pottery out.  I am enjoying the new house. 

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