Thursday, February 24, 2011

This week I loaded the gas kiln with the burn-out pieces from the installation that was in the gallery.  I re-dipped my teddy bears in the slip we have in our studio.  I am excited to see how they turn out.  They look pretty cool.  I also loaded an electric kiln with a bisque, which contains my bowls.

 I am working on my basin and pitcher set for my hand-built project.  I have the basic shape for the washbasin.  I also have a beginning for the roundest part of the pitcher.  I am coil building these, and I will embellish with buttons.  I am playing around with the idea of printing as well.  We'll see.  I am so in love with my buttons right now that printing has taken a back seat.  I am still very interested in discovering and playing with better ways to print on clay.  That is what I want to dive into for independent study.  I just don't know if I should incorporate it into all my pieces.  I ordered a book on print and clay.  It should be here tomorrow.  I am feeling so overwhelmed right now with school and life.  I hate tension, and deadlines, and not feeling adequate.  I really need to take out more me time than I have in the past.  I only have one life to live, and I am so tired of being so stressed all the damn time.  I want to make good art.  I want to be happy.  I want this tension to go away.

Here is the inspiration for this piece I am working on.  This is my grandmother's old pitcher and basin.
 This week I also started Playing with throwing off the hump.  I made a couple practice lids and vessels.  I need to watch that video of the demo again.  I started out trying to throw my pitcher, which was harder than anticipated.  I may have over-estimated my throwing abilities.  I can not throw that big yet.  I reallllllly want to throw big though.  I also had a few frustrations in the printshop this week.  I feel like I wasted a lot of time this week messing things up.  However, I did do two prints today that I am happy with.  And I guess I have a decent start on basin.  We'll see how the pitcher goes.  I want to glaze my bedpan so bad, but I have to many other things to do it is hard to find time to glaze.  I need to do that this week.  I am going to practice a new method of screen-printing on clay I found on some of my cylinders I think.  It looks cool.  I need to find out the best kind of foam to use.
This week I also spent some time putting together a portfolio for the Torp Scholarship.  It doesn't look like many people applied for it, so I'm thinking I have a decent shot.  I am happy with my portfolio and my growth as an artist.  Brian Jones talked to me about the Torp as well as the Jennings scholarships today.  He seemed pretty positive, which made me feel good.  I'm not sure how selection for the Jennings is going to work.  Brian said the nominations will take place in a couple weeks.  Anne said it will picked tomorrow along with the Torp.  Brian said I would be nominated for the Jennings either way.  I'm excited.  I really hope I get one and I hope Wende gets one.  Man, I hate getting my hopes up for things like this, then not getting it.  But, either way, I am proud of my portfolio.

And another thing... I am so confused by two of the BFA critiques I went to this week.  So, do people just not have anything negative to say about graphic design work?  I feel that some of the other critiques I have been to of painters and ceramic artists have been pretty rough, whereas these graphic designers put up some unfinished work and say, "This is what I'm doing," then it is just a walk in the park.  I am not a graphic designer and I have a lot of respect for the technical skill required to do this work, but come on.  I do not think it would go over so well if I cut some shapes out of construction paper and pasted it to a piece of paper and showed it at a critique.  Yes, I get that there are typography elements involved, but......  and when I had a discussion today with Pako and raised this point, he said, "We are not fine artists."  YOU ARE GETTING A BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS!!!!!  What the hell?  And to put something up and say, "I did these because I like fantasy and I have always liked fantasy."  I have always loved cats, but I could never do a bunch of paintings of cats and simply say, "I paint cats because I have always loved cats."  Not to disrespect the digital illustrations, because I a sure they took a lot of time and skill, but I just feel like only a graphic designer would get away with this.  Or maybe the crits aren't as hard this semester as last?  Or maybe it is because Brian Jones wasn't there?  Haha.  I just feel like something should have been said.  And it wasn't.  And I'm confused.  I have seriously been trying so hard to make work with more meaning and more thought, and I have been trying so hard to have more of a common thread to my work.  To make it a "Miranda."  I don't know it I should be less nervous or more nervous about my critique, considering this week, the thought I have been putting in, and the fact that I am not a graphic designer.  I'm just saying.  And you may ask why I didn't say anything during the critiques.  Well, that's a good question.  I guess I don't want them to think I'm a bitch.  Because they don't know me.  And I don't feel very comfortable dissing on someone else's work.  Especially people I don't know.  And I don't know much about graphic design.  But, I know a little about art, and they should be held to the same standards as the rest of us.

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