Monday, January 30, 2012

Here is some stuff I’ve been working on.  I have really been focusing on printmaking since my show opens next week.  I forgot to take photos of the two prints I am working on, but I am pretty close to having my Hootie Hoo monotype done and I started printing on my Me-Yow print today.  I got some wood for the other two shelves I need for the show.  I am hoping I can use the two that are already made from the Student Show for Philip’s piece.  I will make it work.  Being sick all last week really set me behind.  I have to print a layer every day this week to get done, and I am not going to be able to do the screenprint on top like I wanted, but it will look fine without it.  I would rather skip it than rush and mess up.  I got the Buddha done.  The gold looks nice.  I also refired the animal tree because a few of the animals fell off during firing.  One cat had too much glaze and slid, taking out a couple more.  It would have been pretty nice had that not happened.  The glaze looks nice on this one, but it is still pretty lop-sided, which I am not happy with.  I need to figure out a way to remedy this.  The lean just makes it look cheap and really takes the craftsmanship down to a level that I am not satisfied with. I have also been working on my thesis.  Writing it really got me thinking about my art and made me realize things about myself and my art that I had considered very much before.  I was really thinking on a higher plane.  I was considering some pretty interesting psychological points to my work.  I have also been learning some cool stuff about my camera which will really help with the documentation of my work and my gallery card.   

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